Problemas de escalonamento de tarefas. Algoritmos gulosos exatos. Complexidade de algoritmos e problemas. Conjuntos P e NP. Reduções e Teorema de Cook. Algoritmos de Branch-and-Bound. Parte I. Introdução I.1. Considerações sobre a descrição matemática de problemas de otimização. I.2. Classificação dos modelos de escalonamento de tarefas determinísticos. Parte II: Algoritmos Eficientes II.1. Algoritmos gulosos exatos II.2. Noções de eficiência computacional Parte III: Teoria da Complexidade III.1. Conjuntos P e NP III.2. Reduções e o Teorema de Cook Parte IV: Algoritmos de branch-and-bound IV.1. Problemas relaxados e Programação linear IV.2. Árvore de branch-and-bound


Pinedo, M. Scheduling: Theory, Algorithms and Systems. Prentice Hall, 2002. Cormem, T. H.; Leiserson, C. E. e Rivest, R. L. Introduction to Algorithms. McGraw Hill, 1997.



1- NOÇÃO DE SISTEMAS: Teoria de Sistemas, Definição de Dados, Conhecimento e Informação, Eficiência, Eficácia, Efetividade, 2- CONCEITOS BÁSICOS DE TECNOLOGIA DA INFORMAÇÃO: Componentes de Redes e Banco de Dados, Tipos de Sinais, Data Warehouse, Data Mart, Data Mining, Business Intelligence, Tecnologia da Informação (TI), FTP, Meios de Transmissão, Enterprise Resource Planning, e-Business, WMS 3- SISTEMAS DE INFORMAÇÃO: definição e vantagens competitivas advindas do uso. 4- GERENCIAMENTO DE PROJETOS COM TI: COBIT, ITIL, CMMI, MPSBR, PMBOCK, CRM, relacionamento com Clientes/Usuário, 5- GESTÃO DA CADEIA DE SUPRIMENTO E A TI: apoio à Logística, Internet, Intranet e Extranet, 6- Caminho mais curto, ramificação mínima, fluxo máximo, caminho critico 6- SEGURANÇA DA INFORMAÇÃO: criptologia, Inteligência Artificial. 7- CADEIA DE SUPRIMENTOS: demandas, Estoques, processos, Redes Logísticas, comércio eletrônico, Sistemas de Informações Logísticos, Modais. 8 – Método dos mínimos quadrados e correlação de Pearson.


GOMES, Carlos Francisco Simões, RIBEIRO, Priscilla Cristina Cabral, Gestão da Cadeia de Suprimentos Integrada à Tecnologia da Informação, Segunda Edição, Editora Thomson Learning, 2014. • GOMES, Luiz Flavio Autran M., GOMES, Carlos F. S., Tomada de Decisão Gerencial, Enfoque Multicirtério, Ed. Atlas, Quinta Edição, 2014. • O’BRIEN, James A. Sistemas de Informação e as Decisões Gerenciais na Era da Internet. 2 ed. São Paulo, Saraiva: 2006 • TURBAN, Efraim, RAINER, Kelly R, POTTER, Richard E..Administração de Tecnologia da Informação - Teoria e Prática. 3 Tiragem. Rio de Janeiro, Campus: 2005 • BROWN, Stanley. Customer Relationship Management – Uma Ferramenta Estratégica para o Mundo E-Business. 2 ed. São Paulo, Makron Books: 2001


Estudo de desenvolvimentos recentes em transportes, com ênfase em avaliação. Os tópicos específicos variam conforme os artigos mais recentes.


Adler, N., Berechman, J. Measuring airport quality from the airlines' viewpoint: An application of data envelopment analysis (2001) Transport Policy, 8 (3), pp. 171-181. Adler, N., Golany, B. Evaluation of deregulated airline networks using data envelopment analysis combined with principal component analysis with an application to Western Europe (2001) European Journal of Operational Research, 132 (2), pp. 260-273. Barros, C.P. A Benchmark Analysis of Italian Seaports Using Data Envelopment Analysis (2006) Maritime Economics and Logistics, 8 (4), pp. 347-365. Brandaõ, L.C., Soares De Mello, J.C.C.B. Improvements to smooth data envelopment analysis (2017) RAIRO - Operations Research, 51 (1), pp. 157-171. Brida, J.G., Pulina, M., Riaño, E., Zapata-Aguirre, S. Cruise passengers' experience embarking in a Caribbean home port. The case study of Cartagena de Indias (2012) Ocean and Coastal Management, 55, pp. 135-145. Caillaux, M.A., Sant'Anna, A.P., Meza, L.A., Soares De Mello, J.C.C.B. Container logistics in Mercosur: Choice of a transhipment port using the ordinal Copeland method, data envelopment analysis and probabilistic composition (2011) Maritime Economics and Logistics, 13 (4), pp. 355-370. Campbell, J.F., O'Kelly, M.E. Twenty-five years of hub location research (2012) Transportation Science, 46 (2), pp. 153-169. Chang, Y.-T., Park, H.-S., Jeong, J.-B., Lee, J.-W. Evaluating economic and environmental efficiency of global airlines: A SBM-DEA approach (2014) Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 27, pp. 46-50. Chang, Y.-T., Zhang, N., Danao, D., Zhang, N. Environmental efficiency analysis of transportation system in China: A non-radial DEA approach (2013) Energy Policy, 58, pp. 277-283. Cullinane, K., Wang, T.-F., Song, D.-W., Ji, P. The technical efficiency of container ports: Comparing data envelopment analysis and stochastic frontier analysis (2006) Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 40 (4), pp. 354-374. Cullinane, K., Song, D.-W., Wang, T. The application of mathematical programming approaches to estimating container port production efficiency (2005) Journal of Productivity Analysis, 24 (1), pp. 73-92. Debrie, J., Lavaud-Letilleul, V., Parola, F. Shaping port governance: The territorial trajectories of reform (2013) Journal of Transport Geography, 27, pp. 56-65. Firnkorn, J., Müller, M. What will be the environmental effects of new free-floating car-sharing systems? The case of car2go in Ulm (2011) Ecological Economics, 70 (8), pp. 1519-1528. Fonseca, A.B.M., de Mello, J.C.C.B.S., Gomes, E.G., Meza, L.A. Uniformization of frontiers in non-radial ZSG-DEA models: An application to airport revenues (2010) Pesquisa Operacional, 30 (1), pp. 175-193. Gitto, S., Mancuso, P. Bootstrapping the Malmquist indexes for Italian airports (2012) International Journal of Production Economics, 135 (1), pp. 403-411. Gomes Júnior, S.F., Rubem, A.P.S., Soares de Mello, J.C.C.B., Angulo Meza, L. Evaluation of Brazilian airlines nonradial efficiencies and targets using an alternative DEA approach (2016) International Transactions in Operational Research, 23 (4), pp. 669-689. Gomes, L.F.A.M., De Mattos Fernandes, J.E., De Mello, J.C.C.B.S. A fuzzy stochastic approach to the multicriteria selection of an aircraft for regional chartering (2014) Journal of Advanced Transportation, 48 (3), pp. 223-237. González, M.M., Trujillo, L. Efficiency measurement in the port industry: A survey of the empirical evidence (2009) Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 43 (2), pp. 157-192. Ishii, M., Lee, P.T.-W., Tezuka, K., Chang, Y.-T. A game theoretical analysis of port competition (2013) Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 49 (1), pp. 92-106. Lam, J.S.L., Notteboom, T. The Greening of Ports: A Comparison of Port Management Tools Used by Leading Ports in Asia and Europe (2014) Transport Reviews, 34 (2), pp. 169-189. Li, L., Li, Y., Li, Z. Efficient missing data imputing for traffic flow by considering temporal and spatial dependence (2013) Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 34, pp. 108-120. Lin, L.C., Hong, C.H. Operational performance evaluation of international major airports: An application of data envelopment analysis (2006) Journal of Air Transport Management, 12 (6), pp. 342-351. Liu, W., Lund, H., Mathiesen, B.V. Modelling the transport system in China and evaluating the current strategies towards the sustainable transport development (2013) Energy Policy, 58, pp. 347-357. Lozano, S., Gutiérrez, E., Moreno, P. Network DEA approach to airports performance assessment considering undesirable outputs (2013) Applied Mathematical Modelling, 37 (4), pp. 1665-1676. Lozano, S., Gutiérrez, E. Slacks-based measure of efficiency of airports with airplanes delays as undesirable outputs (2011) Computers and Operations Research, 38 (1), pp. 131-139. Maghbouli, M., Amirteimoori, A., Kordrostami, S. Two-stage network structures with undesirable outputs: A DEA based approach (2014) Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 48 (1), pp. 109-118. Martín, J.C., Román, C. An application of DEA to measure the efficiency of Spanish airports prior to privatization (2001) Journal of Air Transport Management, 7 (3), pp. 149-157. Merkert, R., Hensher, D.A. The impact of strategic management and fleet planning on airline efficiency - a random effects tobit model based on dea efficiency scores (2011) Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 45 (7), pp. 686-695. Monios, J., Wilmsmeier, G. Giving a direction to port regionalization (2012) Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 46 (10), pp. 1551-1561. Notteboom, T., De Langen, P., Jacobs, W. Institutional plasticity and path dependence in seaports: Interactions between institutions, port governance reforms and port authority routines (2013) Journal of Transport Geography, 27, pp. 26-35. Panayides, P.M., Maxoulis, C.N., Wang, T.-F., Ng, K.Y.A. A critical analysis of DEA applications to seaport economic efficiency measurement (2009) Transport Reviews, 29 (2), pp. 183-206. Park, R.-K., De Prabir, P. An alternative approach to efficiency measurement of seaports (2004) Maritime Economics and Logistics, 6 (1), pp. 53-69. Rios, L.R., Maçada, A.C.G. Analysing the relative efficiency of container terminals of mercosur using DEA (2006) Maritime Economics and Logistics, 8 (4), pp. 331-346. Sarkis, J., Talluri, S. Performance based clustering for benchmarking of US airports (2004) Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 38 (5), pp. 329-346. Sarkis, J. Analysis of the operational efficiency of major airports in the United States (2000) Journal of Operations Management, 18 (3), pp. 335-351. Senra, L.F.A.D.C., Nanci, L.C., De Mello, J.C.C.B.S., Meza, L.A. Estudo sobre métodos de seleção de variáveis em dea (2007) Pesquisa Operacional, 27 (2), pp. 191-207. Tavassoli, M., Faramarzi, G.R., Farzipoor Saen, R. Efficiency and effectiveness in airline performance using a SBM-NDEA model in the presence of shared input (2014) Journal of Air Transport Management, 34, pp. 146-153. Wang, Y., Jung, K.-A., Yeo, G.-T., Chou, C.-C. Selecting a cruise port of call location using the fuzzy-AHP method: A case study in east asia (2014) Tourism Management, 42, pp. 262-270. Yang, L., Li, K., Gao, Z., Li, X. Optimizing trains movement on a railway network (2012) Omega, 40 (5), pp. 619-633. Yu, M.-M., Chern, C.-C., Hsiao, B. Human resource rightsizing using centralized data envelopment analysis: Evidence from Taiwan's Airports (2013) Omega (United Kingdom), 41 (1), pp. 119-130. Yu, M.-M., Lin, E.T.J. Efficiency and effectiveness in railway performance using a multi-activity network DEA model (2008) Omega, 36 (6), pp. 1005-1017. Yu, M.-M. Measuring physical efficiency of domestic airports in Taiwan with undesirable outputs and environmental factors (2004) Journal of Air Transport Management, 10 (5), pp. 295-303. Zhang, N., Zhou, P., Kung, C.-C. Total-factor carbon emission performance of the Chinese transportation industry: A bootstrapped non-radial Malmquist index analysis (2015) Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 41, pp. 584-593. Zhou, G., Chung, W., Zhang, X. A study of carbon dioxide emissions performance of China's transport sector (2013) Energy, 50 (1), pp. 302-314.



Introdução à disciplina. Ferramentas para avaliação em energia e meio ambiente: para avaliação e rankings, ferramentas multicritério, análise envoltória de dados, composição probabilística. Pesquisa bibliográfica de ferramentas usadas para avaliação. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) avaliação do ciclo de vida. Ferramenta LCA+ multicritério e LCA +DEA. Sustentabilidade. Seminários. Apresentação do trabalho final.


Barba-Gutiérrez, Y., B. Adenso-Díaz and S. Lozano (2009). "Eco-Efficiency of Electric and Electronic Appliances: A Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)." Environmental Modeling & Assessment 14: 439-447. Börjesson, P., Tufvesson, L.M. Agricultural crop-based biofuels - Resource efficiency and environmental performance including direct land use changes (2011) Journal of Cleaner Production, 19 (2-3), pp. 108-120. Choi, Y., Zhang, N., Zhou, P. Efficiency and abatement costs of energy-related CO2 emissions in China: A slacks-based efficiency measure (2012) Applied Energy, 98, pp. 198-208. Chua, K.J., Chou, S.K., Yang, W.M., Yan, J. Achieving better energy-efficient air conditioning - A review of technologies and strategies (2013) Applied Energy, 104, pp. 87-104. Gomes, E.G., Soares De Mello, J.C.C.B., E Souza, G.D.S., Angulo Meza, L., Mangabeira, J.A.D.C. Efficiency and sustainability assessment for a group of farmers in the Brazilian Amazon (2009) Annals of Operations Research, 169 (1), pp. 167-181. Iribarren L., D., M. Martín-Gamboa and J. Dufour (2013). "Environmental benchmarking of wind farms according to their operational performance." Energy 61: 589-597. Jan, P., D. Dux, M. Lips, M. Alig and M. Dumondel (2012). "On the link between economic and environmental performance of Swiss dairy farms of the alpine area." International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 17: 706-719. Khoshnevisan, B., E. Bolandnazar, S. Shamshirband, H. M. Shariati, N. B. Anuar and M. L. Mat Kiah (2015). "Decreasing environmental impacts of cropping systems using life cycle assessment (LCA) and multi-objective genetic algorithm." Journal of Cleaner Production 86(0): 67-77. Lozano, S., D. Iribarren Lorenzo, M. T. Moreira and G. Feijoo (2010). "Environmental impact efficiency in mussel cultivation." Resources, Conservation and Recycling 54: 1269-1277. Lu, W.-M., Lo, S.-F. A closer look at the economic-environmental disparities for regional development in China (2007) European Journal of Operational Research, 183 (2), pp. 882-894. Omid, M., Ghojabeige, F., Delshad, M., Ahmadi, H. Energy use pattern and benchmarking of selected greenhouses in Iran using data envelopment analysis (2011) Energy Conversion and Management, 52 (1), pp. 153-162. Sueyoshi, T., Goto, M. DEA approach for unified efficiency measurement: Assessment of Japanese fossil fuel power generation (2011) Energy Economics, 33 (2), pp. 292-303. Valladares, G.S., Gomes, E.G., De Mello, J.C.C.B.S., Pereira, M.G., Dos Anjos, L.H.C., Ebeling, A.G., De Melo Benites, V. Principal component analysis and ordinal multicriteria methods to study Organosols and related soils [Análise dos componentes principais e métodos multicritério ordinais no estudo de Organossolos e solos afins] (2008) Revista Brasileira de Ciencia do Solo, 32 (1), pp. 285-296. Vázquez-Rowe, I. and D. Iribarren (2015). "Review of Life-Cycle Approaches Coupled with Data Envelopment Analysis: Launching the CFP + DEA Method for Energy Policy Making." The Scientific World Journal 2015: 10. Wang, J.-J., Jing, Y.-Y., Zhang, C.-F., Zhao, J.-H. Review on multi-criteria decision analysis aid in sustainable energy decision-making (2009) Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 13 (9), pp. 2263-2278. Zhou, P., Ang, B.W., Poh, K.L. A survey of data envelopment analysis in energy and environmental studies (2008) European Journal of Operational Research, 189 (1), pp. 1-18.



Grafos, ordem e tamanho; vértices adjacentes, vizinhança de um vértice. Isomorfismo de grafos. Subgrafos: subgrafo induzido e subgrafo gerador. Grafo k-regular, grafo completo, grafo trivial. Cliques e conjunto independente. Árvores. Distância e diâmetro. Pontes, conexidade; componentes. Passeios Eulerianos e Ciclos Hamiltonianos. Coloração de Vértices. Matriz de Adjacência e matriz Laplaciana de um grafo. Propriedades espectrais. Medidas de centralidades. Aplicações.


R. Diestel. Graph Theory. Springer, New York, 1997. J.A.Bondy e U.S.R. Murty. Graph Theory with Applications. Elsevier, New York, 1979. A. Bretto, A. Faisant, F. Hennecart. Éléments de théorie des grafes. Springer, France, 2012. F. Harari. Graph Theory. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1969. W. Haemers e A. Brower. Spectra of graphs. Springer, New York, 2012. N. Abreu, R. Del-Vecchio, C. Vinagre e D. Stevanovic. Introdução à teoria espectral dos grafos com aplicações. Notas em Matemática Aplicada CNMAC/SBMAC, UFSC, São Carlos, 2007.




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